Media is the watchdog of any society, the globalised world of today is linked together in a crucial web with its many conglomerates interlinked by the need of information, at the centre of which is media, and we are all part of this global knowledge sphere. The prime role of media as an information hub is the correct and speedy access to global and local news. The mid 1940’s marked the beginning of the awareness of the role of media in opinion formation, since than pressure groups all over the world use media, especially news media to mould the opinion of the masses; it is known both as propaganda and/or yellow journalism.
Pakistani media in the recent decade has developed at break neck speed; from being an institution with one state owned broadcasting corporation to a diverse industry. The choice of new channels has increased exponentially in Pakistan, and this is mainly due to the advent of cable TV - where as most viewers had only a state owned PTV to watch, their choices have now expanded to include more homegrown content as well as international news channels. The media boom has seen a rise in role of news media in Pakistan, from being an opinion medium through newspaper circulation to a pressure group giant. A testament to this is the role news media has played in the restoration of judiciary and the continuing critic of the policies of the Government.
Locally news media plays an important role, spreading mass awareness on crucial issues, uncovering the meanings behind various policies and highlighting the issues of people and bringing them to the attention of in charge authorities. At the same time internationally it is the responsibility of the media to develop a softer image of Pakistan. In the present day and age our region is in a state of flux; with terrorism and war at the forefront. The way media portrays these sensitive issues establishes the image of Pakistan and the region.
At present the most viewed local channels are the news channels, and news anchors the most recognized figures on television. With a dwindling literacy rate, talk shows on current affairs are for majority of the masses a prime source of opinion making, everything said and done on them is put forth for the masses at large to scrutinize and use to form ideas. Therefore it is important that the practice of journalism be refined and the canons of ethical journalism be followed. Undue criticism on part of the news personnel can destabilize the fragile state democracy, while at the same time if the news media plays a positive role it can help build the nation and promote the spirit of nationality. Pakistan is a developing country riddled in myriad of problems, at present media is the only institute which has the power to bring about an effective change in the form of mass awareness. Media is the mind and the people the limbs; whatever the mind thinks and says governs the actions of the masses. If the news coverage of a single event could bring millions of people to the streets there is no doubt that it can in the same way act as an agent of constructive change in our society.
Written By: Saqib Shami
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