There is no denying the fact that media is powerful tool and has great potential to bring change but will it ever stand for truth, justice and dignity for the poor masses? In my humble opinion, the chances are slim, and because it’s always the weak and poor who suffer, and not the rich and wealthy.
. Here are some guidelines to be kept in view, while running a successful media.
• Recognize your responsibility & Reform yourself. Claiming to be fourth pillar of the state puts an enormous responsibility on your shoulders. That heavy burden warrants a lot of responsible behavior. Rise up to the great challenge and play your role.
• Never compromise the country’s interests for your monitory gains. If the West’s so called “freedom of expression” inspires you, have a closer look at what CNN & BBC are doing to cover up for the criminal exploits of their nations.
· Promote unity, harmony amongst provinces as a national responsibility, for that’s the primary target of
• Stop promoting endless vulgarity & obscenity. For this is the poison that pollutes the hearts & minds of youth. Give them worthy ideals to look up to, and they can do wonders. Trying to compete with Indian channels in nudism will lead you nowhere. We have our own set of morals and values that is far more superior and worth following.
• Encourage and promote the bright students/workers who, despite hardships, stand out in their own fields or do worthwhile projects, as talent and thrive on appreciation.
• Honor your National Heroes. Give more of your airtime & space to them
• Unveil the Social Evils like corruption
• Uphold your Faith in Islam. Project it, protect it and praise it, for this is the strongest of our support here, as well as in the hereafter. It is only by sticking to its belief that Allah’s divine help descend
Written By: Mohsin Saeed Khan
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