There is a big question raised from a couple of months that isPakistan media working ethically or according to the universal rulesof journalism. In the recent past there are few incidents which werecritiqued alot among every social class. There is a view that media iscrossing the lines and they had shown or tried to show programs orfootages which are unethical or vulgar from all aspects. Some peoplesay that one will always get out of control when he gets somethingmore than what he deserves, they must not forget the time before 2000when there was only one channel ptv which was more of a governmentpersonal channel.The first time when i got dissappointed from our media and turned offmy television set was when the FIA building mall road lahore blasthappened. For complete one hour they showed the video of a carcrashing a guard into pieces and then going into the buildingpremisis. Now i agree it was a very useful video and showed the keymoments but why are you showing it on TV when there is an audiencebelow 18 or even 12-10 who can get affected with this type of footageand there mind can have a very bad perception about it. Give thisvideo to intelligence or law enforcing agencies who use it to traceany responsibles or find any clue about the incident and then aboveall just think once about the family or loved ones of that guard whowatcheed that video again and again on TV. Those moments must ve takentheir lives or atleast souls out of them. We all must have somerespect and integrity for others and in showing or breaking news wehave to be careful that we are keeping justice and fair value witheveryone. As i talked earlier there is not one incident there arealot,quickly giving you a few example the second worst was when afamous news channel reporter got murdered in swat and there cameramantook live in the postmartem room and next you can all imagine, thatwas the worst footage one can show on there channel and then they donthave the descensy to show a warning that what is its rating. Than inpakistan we have a culture that if we warn children to stay away fromone thing they get even more attracted towards it so media has to bevery careful and respobsible about it. other than that we have veenaasif case meera case in which media had shown vulgar pictures andvideos with adding background music to it to create a spicy story orusimg the media term sensational news. Here also i think that why areshowing them in every hour news dont u have any thing better to showor there are thousans of issues to raise but you keep on showing themand have made them heroes. at end my question is still that to getahead in the race of breaking news or fighting for trp's have we gonewrong or missing some point yes we are missing ethics!
Written By: Ahmad Saeed
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